i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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jayden cross
POSTED ON Dec 15, 2023 15:43:46 GMT
jayden cross Avatar

it was not the first time that he would come to 's door, and it certainly would not be the last. but it was the first time in perhaps a long-while that he had come to deliver a report personally.

[break][break] there were many reasons for this.

[break][break] first, there was little need. the mechanisms within the organization functioned like clockwork, and given the busyness of their respective positions, it would only be wasting time.

[break][break] second, any information that he could've dispensed personally was lost the moment that it arrived on 's desk, which was almost immediately.

[break][break] and third, there was the matter of his avatarship.

[break][break] he had not seen his brother since he had been released from the medbay. since he had gone awol and been stabbed by , then betrayed again by the disappearance of . he had not seen him since he'd suddenly disembarked to route 105, hellbent on a mission — that mission being the murder of .

[break][break] the underboss had not seen him, but that did not mean he did not know about it. knew about everything.

[break][break] well, almost.

[break][break] frosted knuckles wrapped against the steel-cage of his brother's door, before stepping through the threshold. he did not dip his head, or bow, or do any of the things that he used to do before he was bitten. he looked at him, with the blankness of an expression that only he could muster thanks to the mental fog that consumed him, but even being within his brother's presence was a relief. a breath of fresh air. he could feel the crystals along his skin, melting away into something human.

[break][break] "cillian," he said. "i have something to tell you."

[break][break] in his hand, a report.

[attr="class,"cp cp-skull"]



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Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Dec 20, 2023 11:15:05 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

He does not demand formality. He has no need of fancy titles. It is respect that he expects from his subordinates. Whatever way each of them offered it was their own, and he learned their mannerisms well enough to know when something was amiss.[break][break]

He has known far longer than that, before he himself had held any title worthy of such respect. They are brothers, not by blood but by choice, and Cillian had known the moment he laid eyes upon his brother in that hospital bed that something was very, very wrong.[break][break]

Empty eyes stare at him as though struggling to focus, and Cillian's gold bore into their depths. They flick briefly to the report in Jayden's hand before returning to hold his stare.[break][break]

Jayden, too, knows Cillian better than most. Would be able to read past his stoicism to the worry and uncertainty that breeds beyond.[break][break]

"Jayden." What's happened to you? "Sit, then. Tell me."



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jayden cross
POSTED ON Dec 20, 2023 17:26:22 GMT
jayden cross Avatar

he breathes out, frost permeating in the air in front of them.

[break][break] hoenn has gotten colder ever since tera crystals had formed, rumored to have brought the region's tepid seasons into a white wintertide. but it wasn't for that reason that frost bit as jayden's knuckles, which tightened around the folder in his hand. it wasn't for that reason that cold seemed to follow him wherever he went, crackling in the form of ice crystals around his skin.

[break][break] no, he had been cursed with frost by a devil greater than his own past.

[break][break] but today, chien pao was nowhere in sight. in fact, for many days now, the ruinous beast had been vacant from his presence. but not gone, a deep part of jayden knew, intrinsically so. he could feel the beast's presence wherever he was, after all, as if tied to it by an invisible string.

[break][break] it's influence was stronger than dmitri's own, yet perhaps not as strong in this room — in his brother's presence.

[break][break] jayden walked across the room as asked and obeyed the command, sitting onto one of the chairs offered. a hand dropped the folder that he'd been holding onto his brother's desk, spinning towards the blond.

[break][break] "i went to the battle on route 105."

[break][break] i shouldn't have.

[break][break] they told me to rest.

[break][break] the medbay had released him that day, prescribing rest and routine for him. he had never been explicitley banned from going to the raid, but it also had never been the plan. not completely.

[break][break] "to kill ," the growl that uttered from his throat was primal, deeper than anything that jayden seemed capable of uttering. his eyes flashed with blistered white and blue, briefly, before being replaced by a gleam of pain and guilt. "but i failed."

[break][break] "the league knows my identity now."


[attr="class,"cp cp-skull"]



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Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Dec 24, 2023 16:13:28 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

Cillian's tongue clicks softly against the roof of his mouth, lips pressed thin.[break][break]

"Against medical advice. I read your file."[break][break]

He'd been worried about Jayden, but uncertain of how to broach the subject with his brother now that everything had changed. He'd taken some comfort in reading his medical records, knowing he was getting the best medical care Rocket could offer.[break][break]

Of course, that was only useful when he used it.[break][break]

A brother should offer comfort in the wake of failure, but Cillian is an underboss first. A Rocket first.[break][break]

had learned the truth of that.[break][break]

"You failed because you were weak." There is a bite to his tone. His fist is clenched. "You think you become an avatar and suddenly you can take on the likes of Silph without help, when you're half dead yourself? Come on, Jayden."[break][break]

His fist slams on the desk, making pens jump.[break][break]

"What the hell's gotten into you?"



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[newclass=.twtgm .pkmn img] margin-top: -10px; padding-bottom: 5px; [/newclass]
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jayden cross
POSTED ON Jan 11, 2024 20:42:40 GMT
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Nothing that Cillian told him was wrong, and yet, Jayden felt heat stir in his stomach at the thought. Of course he had gone against medical advice. They were reviewing him in the Medbay to research the conditions of his avatarship, to help him remain stable, but results had been inconclusive. Rocket didn't know anymore about CHIEN PAO than they knew about WO-CHIEN.

[break][break] Which was, despite testing, practically nothing.

[break][break] Jayden flinches at the reprimand. Cillian's voice is softer, surely, but Jayden knows the bite of an Underboss like he knows the back of a hand. In some ways, he has known to expect it.

[break][break] It's what he deserves.

[break][break] 'Then why - '

[break][break] "I couldn't just stay there, Cillian!" he protests, lips curling into a growl. His hands make fists at his side, burning, burning, burning. "I stayed in the med bay, and look what happened to . Look what happened to . Look what happened to - "

[break][break] He tastes iron in his mouth as he bites down on his bottom lip.

[break][break] "He killed Chu-E. He made Fern deaf."

[break][break] Violet gaze burns into blistered blue, the fringes of his hair turning to white.

[break][break] Nails breaking against skin, ruby red blood dripping onto the tile.

[break][break] " deserves to die."


[attr="class,"cp cp-skull"]



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the Harbinger
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I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Jan 12, 2024 1:00:43 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

Jayden snarls at him, and Cillian's gaze darkens.[break][break]

They were trained in Kanto. Jayden was raised there. He knew this was nothing personal. Hopefully.[break][break]

"Watch your tone with me, Cross."[break][break]

The warning of an underboss, but the worry of a brother in his eyes.[break][break]

Cillian doesn't shy away from the change, this time. He stands his ground, expression stern, hoping that loyalty to Rocket might supersede whatever the hell was going on in Jayden's head.[break][break]

"He doesn't deserve to take you with him!" Cillian snaps. "You want to take him down? Then rest, until you've got the strength, and don't fucking go in alone. You're an Admin, an Avatar, not an idiot."



[newclass=.twtgm] --accent: #765d75; [/newclass]
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jayden cross
POSTED ON Jan 12, 2024 17:56:36 GMT
jayden cross Avatar

'Watch your tone with me, Cross.'

[break][break] The words slice through him, effectively stopping the building rage in his chest. His patron's influence is powerful, but there is nothing that changes the shackles built around his wrist from the moment of his birth. Rocket's influence is irrefutable, after all.

[break][break] The bonds of family even stronger than that.

[break][break] "Sorry," he murmurs immediately, forcing himself to cool. The color of his hair returns to it's natural sable-black hue, the ice melting on his skin into ash. "Sir."

[break][break] Even as Cillian snaps at him, though, Jayden can't ignore the fire burning in his chest at the thought of . Of , of or . Of all the people who have left him.

[break][break] His gaze turns back to his brother's, the color of bruises.

[break][break] "I'll rest but — I need to kill him, Cil."

[break][break] "It's what he deserves."

[break][break] "He - and the rest of them - keep taking people from us."

[break][break] . . Countless others that remained on the cusp of disaster, forced to bend to the will of the league.

[break][break] And .

[attr="class,"cp cp-skull"]



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the Harbinger
october 28th
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I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Jan 16, 2024 11:56:17 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

Though relief floods through him as backs down, Cillian doesn't allow it to show. He'd seen what the ruinous beast that had chosen had done to her. He can only hope his brother proves more resistant.[break][break]

For now, at least, Rocket's influence prevails.[break][break]

Inclining his head, Cillian silently accepts the apology. 'Don't let it happen again' is unspoken, the kind of thing people like them didn't need to hear. It had been hard-coded into them since Kanto. Since birth, for Jayden.[break][break]

"To be taken, one must be willing to go." His expression is grim, bitter. "His death won't bring them back, and it won't stop others from making the same choice." A pause. "But I agree that he must die. And he will." They all would, some day. "It's not your burden alone to bear. All of Rocket want him to pay for what he's done."



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jayden cross
POSTED ON Jan 16, 2024 23:50:20 GMT
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He shakes his head.

[break][break] "He is the poison of the League, the poison of Hoenn. If we get rid of him, we can bring them back."

[break][break] . . Maybe even .

[break][break] His eyes sharpen once more, but not with the same viciousness as it had consumed him seconds prior. The shackles of Rocket were back, reminding him of his place.

[break][break] "But it is my burden to bear. He killed Chu-e. He took Fern's hearing from them. What if he tries to kill them too?" He shakes his head. "What would you do if kills ?"

[attr="class,"cp cp-skull"]



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the Harbinger
october 28th
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I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Jan 20, 2024 21:46:29 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

Cillian's lip curls with disapproval.[break][break]

"Don't kid yourself, Jayden." He shakes his head. "Remember ? That's what happens when you trust a traitor's word."[break][break]

There's bitterness and force behind his tone; he'd trusted Ashley, too. Or perhaps not trusted, but dared to hope that Shepherd would stay on the right side, this time. But had assured the opposite.[break][break]

Golden eyes narrow on his brother.[break][break]

"You think I don't care about ?" he challenges. His lips twist into a snarl when Jayden brings into it. "I wouldn't stop until I'd torn him in two, but I wouldn't be a damned fool about it. I won't stop trying, but neither will I risk my life to claim his. Rocket needs me, and it needs you. You have a duty to this organization, Admin Cross."



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jayden cross
POSTED ON Jan 20, 2024 22:44:19 GMT
jayden cross Avatar

Jayden knows his brother is right. The wound 's Darkrai gave him burns in reminder, everything inside of him burns, and it is only the presence of his brother - the love of his brother - that keeps him steady.

[break][break] "I know you're right," he says, eyes darting away. "But I wish you weren't." He swallows. "It hurts."

[break][break] These days, everything hurts.

[break][break] He tenses as the scolding that he knows is coming hits the air. He was reckless and foolish and everything is saying is him reminding him of that very fact. Yet something inside of him aches, clawing it's way to the service.

[break][break] "But you didn't ...!" Love him like I did, be hurt by him like I did. But instead he shakes his head, knowing for a fact that Cillian is right. He is always right. "I'm sorry. You're right." He takes a shuddering breath and his eyes flicker back to their normal violet hue. "I won't die for a foolish cause." Purpled, like bruises, as he stares down at his clenched fists on his knees for several moments.

[break][break] Then he glances back up at him again.

[break][break] "Is this what it was like when you became Avatar?" he says again, voice full of pain. He lifts his right hand, palm outward to his brother. The melted ice there reveals skin, reddened and bloody raw, as if he had spent the last several days clawing his way out of rock and stone. "Everything inside of me hurts, Cillian," he says by way of explanation. "And the only thing that makes it better is the thought that those who deserve it are dead."

[break][break] His eyes are pleading when he looks at him this time, no longer the monster that craved to take control, but the look of a younger brother asking an older one to be heard:

[break][break] 'I need help. I can't do it myself.'

[attr="class,"cp cp-skull"]



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the Harbinger
october 28th
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I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Jan 28, 2024 10:36:51 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

On one thing they can certainly agree.

It hurts.[break][break]

"Yeah." Cillian's voice is soft, burdened with the scrape of gravel. "I know."[break][break]

His camaraderie fades quick under the sharp edge of Jayden's accusation, warning flashing in his golden gaze. Whether it's that or something else, Cross calms, and Cillian sheathes the blade of his tongue behind a swallow.[break][break]

He doesn't expect the conversation's turn.[break][break]

"No, Jay."[break][break]

His brother looks hurt. Pained. Conflicted.[break][break]

He'd felt exhilarated, alive, worthy.[break][break]

"This doesn't feel like Avatarship, to me." Dangerous words, but he honours their bond with his truth. "It feels more like a curse."[break][break]

Chien-pao was using Jayden, just as Wo-chien was using . And perhaps Lugia was using him, too, but he couldn't help but feel the difference. Lugia hadn't changed everything he was, who he was. She hadn't filled him with negativity and suspicion and set him against the people he loved. She hadn't been his ruination.[break][break]

"You need to gain control over it, before it destroys you."



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[newclass=.twtgm .pkmn img] margin-top: -10px; padding-bottom: 5px; [/newclass]
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jayden cross
POSTED ON Feb 9, 2024 16:06:50 GMT
jayden cross Avatar

'A curse.'

[break][break] Later, he would repeat the same words to when he asked. Later, he would understand better what those words mean.

[break][break] However, this time, when his brother says them he can only feel understanding and resentment ring like an ache in his chest. Just like always, was right.

[break][break] And yet, that didn't make him want it any less.

[break][break] The admin nods his head as his brother speaks to him, sucking in a sharp breath. "I know you're right. And I will. I've survived this long, haven't I?" The expression he wears is bemused, if a little pained. "If we can survive drowning, then a bit of curse is nothing, right?"

[break][break] Fingers curl into a fist at his knees, and he looks up at his brother once more.

[break][break] "Will you help?" he says, his voice uncertain. This is all new territory, after all. "I... I don't know if I can do it alone."

[break][break] A confession, vulnerable, spoken only between two brothers.


[attr="class,"cp cp-skull"]



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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,404 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Feb 14, 2024 15:06:07 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

"You have," Cillian agrees, "but the Jayden I know didn't go sprinting alone into danger."[break][break]

They've always been cautious, careful, the sort who'd been raised and bled by Kanto Rocket. They knew how to step softly and keep a low profile where it mattered. Or, in Jayden's case, he had known.[break][break]

He tries to smile at Jayden's comment on drowning, but it looks more of a grimace.[break][break]

Yet when Jayden asks for help, Cillian's response is immediate.[break][break]

"Of course. We're brothers, aren't we?"



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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,393 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON Feb 23, 2024 1:16:44 GMT
jayden cross Avatar

Once again, was right.

[break][break] Jayden had never been someone who had gone sprinting into danger. In fact, when Cillian had met him, he had been but a child. A sheep in the crowd. He was a mere grunt — what right did he have to fight, to claw his way to the top?

[break][break] 'Coward. You were a coward,' he thinks. The thought strikes through him and like the sight of two metal swords clashing, his fingers once again clutch at his knees to keep the HATEFUL feeling at bay. The world grows colder, then warmer once he sees his brother's warm gaze.

[break][break] 'Brothers.'

[break][break] "We are," he says, his own lips curving more easily into a smile. An expression that Jayden is not normally fond of making, but because it is Cillian, because it is them, he finds it easy. "And I would never have it any other way."

[break][break] Softly, he says, "Thank you, Cil."


[attr="class,"cp cp-skull"]



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Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP